Welcome to Sigma Dude PreSale

How many SIG Tokens would you like to buy? (Instant delivery to your wallet)


Number of Tokens (SIG)
Token Receiver Address
Payment Method
Payment Mode
MetaMask or Trust Wallet
Total Payable
0.0 BNB
Transaction Summary
Token Rate 1 BNB = 116,666 SIG
Total Tokens 0 SIG
Total USD $0
Transaction Currency BNB ($0)
Payment Mode MetaMask or Trust Wallet
Barra de progreso de BNB recaudados

Total BNB to be Raised = 300

Transaction Failed!

Transaction Failed!

Something went wrong during payment.
No amount was deducted from your wallet.
Check your internet and wallet balance, then try again.
Transaction Success!

Transaction Successful!

You have successfully bought Sigma Dude Token ($SIG) The Tokens have been sent to your wallet!